Monthly Archive: July 2012
Symptom When name resolution is provided by root hints, Windows Server 2008 DNS and Windows Server 2008 R2 DNS Servers may fail to resolve queries for names in certain top-level domains. When this happens, the...
80244019 Windows update encountered an unknown error Windows update error 80244019 usually refers to an issue downloading the content from the WSUS server. If you look at the Windows Update Log located at %windir%WindowsUpdate.log you´ll...
Exchange 2010 store.exe service Store.exe is a service that is part of Microsoft Exchange server 2010 and is found on your mailbox server. Many people come across this process as it is known...
How to resolve “Network Path Not Found” in Exchange 2010 Management Console on an Edge or Hug transport server All of a sudden one day my users started to report that emails were...
How to Configure TMG logging to use a central SQL Server store The default log settings for Forefront TMG are set to a local Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 SP1 database. During the Forefront...
Open Command Prompt window by typing Cmd in Run command box or Start Search, and hit Enter. Type in the following netstat command: netstat -o -n -a | findstr :80 or netstat -aon | findstr :443...
Deploying Microsoft Lync 2010 mobility services for iPad and iPhone After much struggle to get my iPad to work with Lync server (I tried everything from certificates to configuring the edge server, etc.) I...
What is csrss.exe? Many people while running through the Task Manager come across csrss.exe. With the amount of spyware, trojans and other malicious code running around the Internet it is always good to do...
Configuración de la Reforma fiscal 2012 en Aspel SAE 5.0 y selección del Método de Pago para la misma Con la Reforma fiscal 2012 entrando en vigor este pasado primero de Julio han...