Error 0x800f0922 while adding DHCP role on Windows Server If you are installing the DHCP server role on a Windows Server machine you might get the following 0x800f0922 error message: Feature Installation The request...
Windows Server 2012 – File System Resiliency (ReFS) or Data Deduplication (NTFS)? One of the features of Windows Server 2012 R2 that I’ve been doing research as of late is the new file system...
WordPress MultiSite: Remove render-blocking JavaScript: script src=’http://[parent-domain]/?dm=[random-string]&action=load&blogid=[Blog-Numer]&siteid=1&t=[A-Time?]&back=[source-page] type=’text/javascript’ So this is the latest in the “I want to improve my Google´s PageSpeed” saga. I was running Google’s PageSpeed to determine what fixes I need...
Importing WordPress sites: Why won’t the Import tool finish? Lately I have been consolidating WordPress sites into one single installation to simplify the management process but one of the issues I’ve come across is...
How to: Recover an Exchange server using the RecoverServer switch So a bit of background: I was performing a migration from onPremise to Cloud Mailboxes and the hardware the VM was running on was...
Resolve: Setup Failure Occurred While Installing a Server Role_InstallWatermark Generally speaking this error is caused when an installation fails abruptly or is interrupted and a Server Role that was in the process of being...
Error deleting VHD: There is currently a lease on the Blob and no lease ID was specified in the request If you encounter with this error while trying to delete a storage account most...
How to: Connect to a MySql server using SSL from a WordPress Site Truly you could title this post simply How to Connect to a MySql server using SSL from a PHP application. The...
What does Error 330 (net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED) in Google Chrome means Lately I have been playing around with WP caching, web compression and the sort. As I was toying with some of the settings I realized...
How to: Improve the performance / speed of WordPress running in IIS To be entirely honest I am still struggling with this topic. However I have identified a few points that should help improve...