Monthly Archive: February 2014

General Commands Manual: ln 0

General Commands Manual: ln

General Commands Manual: ln NAME ln – make links between files SYNOPSIS ln [OPTION]… [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form) ln [OPTION]… TARGET (2nd form) ln [OPTION]… TARGET… DIRECTORY (3rd form) ln [OPTION]… -t DIRECTORY...

How to: Add or Remove Symbolic links in Ubuntu 0

How to: Add or Remove Symbolic links in Ubuntu

How to: Add or Remove Symbolic links in Ubuntu Unlike Windows, in Linux based systems symbolic links are use quite frequently. The advantage of using symbolic links is that they allow you to have...

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM 0

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM This is just a quick complement of the article How to: Install the NginX Agent for NewRelic in an Ubuntu server. As I mentioned there if...