Monthly Archive: March 2014

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket 0

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket I have a server which is going to have its own memcached instance installed on itself… so I was thinking using a unix socket instead...

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile 0

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile NAME dphys-swapfile – set up, mount/unmount, and delete an swap file SYNOPSIS dphys-swapfile setup|swapon|swapoff|uninstall DESCRIPTION dphys-swapfile computes the size for an optimal swap file (and resizes an existing swap file...

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu 0

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu In one of my previous articles on how to setup virtual memory / swap memory in Ubuntu I covered how to install a swap space for a Windows...