How to: Deploy JuJu on Windows Azure
How to: Deploy JuJu on Windows Azure
There are great guides on how to do this on Canonical’s Ubuntu site but there are a few details one must keep in mind while trying to deploy JuJu on Windows Azure:
- JuJu on Windows looks broken to me. I downloaded the JuJu client for Windows, followed all the instructions and read them like 5 times… no luck. I ended up with a Crypto/TLS error and gave up. I then tried on an Ubuntu machine and guess what: It worked.
- You need to upload the JuJu tools for the bootstrap to work
So here are a few errors you might encounter:
ERROR PUT request failed: BadRequest - XML Schema validation error in network configuration at line 75,18. (http code 400: Bad Request)
ERROR PUT request failed: BadRequest - XML Schema validation error in network configuration at line 46,18. (http code 400: Bad Request)
To resolve this is quite simple: You need to deploy the JuJu tools. When you run the bootstrap add the –upload-tools switch to do so. I read you might need to delete the azure environment file at: .juju/environments/azure.jenv too.
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.
PS C:WINDOWSsystem32> cd “C:Program Files (x86)Juju”
PS C:Program Files (x86)Juju> juju bootstrap
ERROR crypto/tls: failed to parse key: ASN.1 structure error: tags don’t match (2 vs {class:0 tag:16 length:1113 isCompo
und:true}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 set:false omitEmpt
y:false} int @4
If you come across this it is probably due to your ssl certificates you generated with putygen. I was unable to get this to work so I opted for using an Ubuntu VM. Remember you are going to have to upload the management certificate so make sure the VM you use can access a shared file store or open firefox so you can upload it.