Windows Server 2012 Powershell commandlets
Windows Server 2012 list of Powershell commandlets & a few common ones
With the release of Windows Server 2012 server powershell got a few changes as well. There are some quick start guides available here: that will make most tasks in the command prompt much easier. Below are a few common commandlets that can be useful to know:
Installation and removal of Windows features (always useful if you are running a core installation):
- Install-WindowsFeature – ServerManagerCmd.exe. Can install Windows Roles and Features.
- Remove-WindowsFeature – ServerManagerCmd.exe. Can uninstall Windows Roles and Features.
Some general IP / Network commands:
- Get-NetIPConfiguration – IPConfig. Obtain IP addresses for network adapters.
- New-NetFirewallRule – Netsh Advfirewall Add. Can add a new Windows Firewall rule.
- Get-NetTCPConnection – Netstat. Can retrieve statistics of TCP connections.
- Get-NetRoute – Route Print. Can display network routing.
- New-SmbMapping – Net Use. Can map a network path.
Service / Computer management:
- Restart-Computer – shutdown.exe. Can restart local or remote computers.
- Start-Service – Net Start. Can start a Windows service.
- Stop-Service – Net Stop. Can stop a Windows service
- Restart-Service – Net Stop | Net Start. Can restart a Windows service.