Tagged: Advanced Packaging Tool

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM 0

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM

How to: Install Ruby on Rails using RVM This is just a quick complement of the article How to: Install the NginX Agent for NewRelic in an Ubuntu server. As I mentioned there if...

How to: Install NginX 0

How to: Install NginX

How to: Install NginX If you want to Install NginX, we currently host a PPA that tries to keep up with the latest updates from NginX. Sometimes we make changes to the build when...

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories 0

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories Ubuntu uses apt for package management. Apt stores a list of repositories or software channels in the file /etc/apt/sources.list This is important to note as if you want to add sources...

How to: Install Java JRE on an Ubuntu computer 0

How to: Install Java JRE on an Ubuntu computer

How to: Install Java JRE on an Ubuntu computer There were the good old days when everyone was friends with everyone. MySQL was own by people committed to open source, Sun Microsystems was still...

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server 0

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server If you are looking into deploying MySQL as part of a “LAMP” installation or whatever flavors you like best, Ubuntu is a good OS to do...