Resolve: Your web-server does not have the mcrypt module installed. Without it, encryption will be a lot slower. (How to install mcrypt in an Ubuntu server) I have installed UpdraftPlus in order to manage...
How to: Install Memcache for php and WordPress In what seems the eternal quest of having a good performing hosting server one of the tools that are generally referred to is Memcache. What Memcache...
Which Web Server to use: Apache vs NGINX If you are looking around there are a lot of people using NGINX over Apache nowadays. NGINX for what I have read provides a lot of...
How to solve: Apache error .htaccess: ExpiresActive not allowed here, referrer:… I turned on some .htaccess rules in order for the cache to perform faster but unfortunately it came with some unintended consequences: A bunch of 500...
How to solve: Apache error .htaccess: RewriteEngine not allowed here, referrer:… I turned on some .htaccess rules in order for the cache to perform faster but unfortunately it came with some unintended consequences:...
How to solve: Apache error .htaccess: ForceType not allowed here I turned on some .htaccess rules in order for the cache to perform faster but unfortunately it came with some unintended consequences: A bunch...
How to: Deploy WordPress in Ubuntu Text goes here I. Enable Apache Modules that are commonly used by plugins: To enable a module: sudo a2enmod module_name To disable a module: sudo a2dismod module_name...