Tagged: Command-line interface

Google IP address ranges 0

Google IP address ranges

Google IP address ranges Recently I decided to try the Google Compute Engine Cloud, and one of the things I liked right from the beginning was the ability to connect via SSH to your...

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu 0

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu Ever had this huge error log, full of nightmares and bad memories? Well, once you’re done fixing the problems then you’re stuck with megs if not...

What is a privileged port on a Mac / Darwin? 0

What is a privileged port on a Mac / Darwin?

What is a privileged port on a Mac / Darwin? Recently I was trying to connect to a remote SSH server using my MacBook. At one point when trying to configure a Tunnel I...

General Commands Manual: Rsync 0

General Commands Manual: Rsync

General Commands Manual: Rsync NAME rsync – a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool SYNOPSIS   Local: rsync [OPTION…] SRC… [DEST] Access via remote shell: Pull: rsync [OPTION…] [USER@]HOST:SRC… [DEST] Push: rsync [OPTION…]...

How to: Use the Terminal in Ubuntu 0

How to: Use the Terminal in Ubuntu

How to: Use the Terminal in Ubuntu obtained from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal: “Contributors to the Ubuntu documentation wiki” Lately I have been spending a lot of time using Ubuntu and as a Windows user I realized what...