Tagged: Domain Name System

Make your DHCP server dynamically update your DNS records on Ubuntu 0

Make your DHCP server dynamically update your DNS records on Ubuntu

Make your DHCP server dynamically update your DNS records on Ubuntu (Obtained as is from: http://lani78.wordpress.com/2008/08/12/dhcp-server-update-dns-records/) The steps in this post shows how to configure the DHCP server to automatically update the DNS records...

How to: Rename an Active Directory Domain Name 0

How to: Rename an Active Directory Domain Name

How to: Rename an Active Directory Domain Name There are many reasons why you might want to rename an Active Directory Domain Name. Microsoft names situations were there is a reorganization of the enterprise...

What is www.msftncsi.com? 0

What is www.msftncsi.com?

What is www.msftncsi.com? If you are running a firewall one of the most common sites you’ll run across is www.mstfncsi.com. This is because the url www.msftncsi.com is generally used by Windows machines to verity...