Tagged: FastCGI

What is: NginX 1

What is: NginX

What is: NginX Lately I have been writing a lot about NginX so I thought I would write a small post to describe NginX and what it is.Although I like to write it NginX...

Custom NginX Distribution – Available Packages 1

Custom NginX Distribution – Available Packages

Custom NginX Distribution – Available Packages As part of the custom NginX distribution available on this site, there are a few packages you can chose from depending on your needs that can be deployed....

Custom NginX Distribution 0

Custom NginX Distribution

Custom NginX Distribution I created a custom NginX distribution to address the need of NginX with the purge cache plugin in newer Ubuntu versions. The source can be obtained from Github: https://github.com/JCBauza/NginX/ and the PPA for your system at: https://launchpad.net/~cloudingenium/+archive/nginx-mainline....