How to: Cache static HTML with CloudFlare?
How to: Cache static HTML with CloudFlare? So… I have been working with CloudFlare for quite sometime but every now and then when my web server goes down CloudFlare seems to be unable to...
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How to: Cache static HTML with CloudFlare? So… I have been working with CloudFlare for quite sometime but every now and then when my web server goes down CloudFlare seems to be unable to...
How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL It comes at no surprise that a lot of people are looking into moving their sites to HTTPs due to recent events: Google’s decision...
How to: Use NginX as a Forward Proxy server Generally people use NginX as a Reverse Proxy server, which is what it was designed for. However, after working with NginX for sometime now, I...
Resolved: 400 Bad Request – Request header or Cookie too large when using NginX One of the issues I ran into when using NginX was: “400 Bad Request – Request header or Cookie too...
What is: NginX Lately I have been writing a lot about NginX so I thought I would write a small post to describe NginX and what it is.Although I like to write it NginX...
How to: Install NginX If you want to Install NginX, we currently host a PPA that tries to keep up with the latest updates from NginX. Sometimes we make changes to the build when...
Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large When working with WordPress you might come across a message that indicates HTTP Error when uploading any media to your site. Obviously there are tons of...
Custom NginX Distribution – Available Packages As part of the custom NginX distribution available on this site, there are a few packages you can chose from depending on your needs that can be deployed....
How to: Purge Http and Https caches in NginX with NginX Helper If I had a wish list, it would be remote purge and supporting custom purging expressions/keys. Regardless, If you edit the file...
Custom NginX Distribution I created a custom NginX distribution to address the need of NginX with the purge cache plugin in newer Ubuntu versions. The source can be obtained from Github: and the PPA for your system at: