Tagged: Linux

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu 0

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu

How to: Erase a log file in Ubuntu Ever had this huge error log, full of nightmares and bad memories? Well, once you’re done fixing the problems then you’re stuck with megs if not...

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket 0

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket

How to: Configure memcache to use a unix socket I have a server which is going to have its own memcached instance installed on itself… so I was thinking using a unix socket instead...

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile 0

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile

General Commands Manual: dphys-swapfile NAME dphys-swapfile – set up, mount/unmount, and delete an swap file SYNOPSIS dphys-swapfile setup|swapon|swapoff|uninstall DESCRIPTION dphys-swapfile computes the size for an optimal swap file (and resizes an existing swap file...

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu 0

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu

How to: Configure Swappiness in Ubuntu In one of my previous articles on how to setup virtual memory / swap memory in Ubuntu I covered how to install a swap space for a Windows...