Tagged: MySQL

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm 4

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm As of late I have been a bit busy so keeping up with updates to the web server has been pretty much neglected. Because of that...

How to: Install, Update and Remove RubyGems 0

How to: Install, Update and Remove RubyGems

How to: Install, Update and Remove RubyGems I just had a brief experience installing a RubyGem so I thought I would share a little bit of what I learned about managing RubyGems. Similar to...

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server 0

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server

How to: Install MySQL in an Ubuntu Server If you are looking into deploying MySQL as part of a “LAMP” installation or whatever flavors you like best, Ubuntu is a good OS to do...