Tagged: Operating Systems

Changes with NginX 1.6 – Strongly Recommended 0

Changes with NginX 1.6 – Strongly Recommended

Changes with NginX 1.6 Below are the list of changes from the 1.5.13 release of NginX to version 1.6 This is provided as reference only and was obtained from: http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES. This update makes the development / mainline...

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories 0

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories Ubuntu uses apt for package management. Apt stores a list of repositories or software channels in the file /etc/apt/sources.list This is important to note as if you want to add sources...

What is http://adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com? 0

What is http://adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com?

What is http://adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com? The web address: http://adminwebservice.microsoftonline.com is generally used by applications like the Windows Azure Active Directory Sync tool (to sync with Microsoft’s online Azure AD service) to authenticate against those services.