Tagged: Ubuntu

How to: Shutdown or Restart an Ubuntu Server via SSH 0

How to: Shutdown or Restart an Ubuntu Server via SSH

How to: Shutdown or Restart an Ubuntu Server via SSH If you want to remotely restart or shutdown an Ubuntu Server when connected via SSH you simply need to know the following commands (and...

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories 0

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories

Ubuntu: Basics of software repositories Ubuntu uses apt for package management. Apt stores a list of repositories or software channels in the file /etc/apt/sources.list This is important to note as if you want to add sources...

Useful Ubuntu Service commands 0

Useful Ubuntu Service commands

Useful Ubuntu Service commands Ubuntu daemons/services/etc. have a few commonalities that are worth knowing when working with them. For example, from what I have read there is a way to reload the configuration changes...

Custom NginX Distribution 0

Custom NginX Distribution

Custom NginX Distribution I created a custom NginX distribution to address the need of NginX with the purge cache plugin in newer Ubuntu versions. The source can be obtained from Github: https://github.com/JCBauza/NginX/ and the PPA for your system at: https://launchpad.net/~cloudingenium/+archive/nginx-mainline....

How to: Build your own version of NginX 2

How to: Build your own version of NginX

How to: Build your own version of NginX I was following a tutorial on how to use NginX with WordPress and the NginX Fast CGI cache caught my interest. The only problem is that...