How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL
How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL It comes at no surprise that a lot of people are looking into moving their sites to HTTPs due to recent events: Google’s decision...
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How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL It comes at no surprise that a lot of people are looking into moving their sites to HTTPs due to recent events: Google’s decision...
Exchange Server 2013: HTTP 500 Errors for ECP and OWA (Fresh Install) Sometime ago I changed my domain name (you can read more about it here: How to: Rename an Active Directory Domain Name) to...
Nginx: How to correctly use Time and Size postfix / parameters I was struggling on figuring out why my cache size was not growing as intended. I had setup my configuration so that pages...
How to: Reload your NginX Configuration Sometimes when working with NginX you come across the need to reload your configuration for the changes made to your .conf files take place. Although this is a...
Does JetPack’s Photon damage Image SEO? Thus far I haven’t been able to find concrete proof of this but it probably does have an impact. Why is that? Because the URL being served is...
How to: Redirect an URL in NGINX One might need to redirect to another URL in a number of scenarios. I will cover two examples for scenarios I have come across and how I...
How to: Purge Http and Https caches in NginX with NginX Helper If I had a wish list, it would be remote purge and supporting custom purging expressions/keys. Regardless, If you edit the file...
How to: Configure Purging on Varnish reverse proxy (works with W3 Total Cache) Purging and banning¶ One of the most effective ways of increasing your hit ratio is to increase the time-to-live (ttl)...
How to solve: Apache error .htaccess: ExpiresActive not allowed here, referrer:… I turned on some .htaccess rules in order for the cache to perform faster but unfortunately it came with some unintended consequences: A bunch of 500...
How to solve: Apache error .htaccess: RewriteEngine not allowed here, referrer:… I turned on some .htaccess rules in order for the cache to perform faster but unfortunately it came with some unintended consequences:...