Tagged: WordPress

Pro Tip: Upgrade to PHP7 0

Pro Tip: Upgrade to PHP7

Pro Tip: Upgrade to PHP7 As you probably figured out, we run a WordPress site which it in itself runs on PHP. Many complaints have surface around the performance of php 5.x and even...

How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL 0

How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL

  How to: Move your NginX website to HTTPs / SSL It comes at no surprise that a lot of people are looking into moving their sites to HTTPs due to recent events: Google’s decision...

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm 4

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm

Resolved: Blank pages when using NginX with php-fpm As of late I have been a bit busy so keeping up with updates to the web server has been pretty much neglected. Because of that...