Tagged: WordPress

What is: NginX 1

What is: NginX

What is: NginX Lately I have been writing a lot about NginX so I thought I would write a small post to describe NginX and what it is.Although I like to write it NginX...

How to: Reload your NginX Configuration 1

How to: Reload your NginX Configuration

How to: Reload your NginX Configuration Sometimes when working with NginX you come across the need to reload your configuration for the changes made to your .conf files take place. Although this is a...

Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large 0

Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large

Resolve: Nginx – 413 Request Entity Too Large When working with WordPress you might come across a message that indicates HTTP Error when uploading any media to your site. Obviously there are tons of...

How to: Redirect an URL in NGINX 0

How to: Redirect an URL in NGINX

How to: Redirect an URL in NGINX One might need to redirect to another URL in a number of scenarios. I will cover two examples for scenarios I have come across and how I...

How to: Build your own version of NginX 2

How to: Build your own version of NginX

How to: Build your own version of NginX I was following a tutorial on how to use NginX with WordPress and the NginX Fast CGI cache caught my interest. The only problem is that...